If you’ve ever sat back and looked at where you are in your life or felt insignificant, you’re not alone. If you’ve ever wondered if you matter, if you will leave anything behind or if you will be missed when you die, you’re not alone. You can achieve meaning and significance, and create a legacy that will shine/outlast/live on long after you’ve passed. The secret is intentional living. Regardless of your beliefs or background, if you understand and follow these principles, you’ll thrive, grow and live a life of meaning, connection and happiness.
“ Motivation; the key thing that guided me. Your class also taught me about fitness and how it can improve not only my body but also the way I think. I also was taught the meaning of resilience. Optimism was a huge concept you got through my head. Strength of character was the main thing I focused on.- Deschun, age 17